The controversial Momentus training presented by Mashiyach Ministries is highly praised by some past participants, while being heavily criticized by others. The Momentus training has developed into the Momentus series: the Discovery Seminar, a three day seminar which formerly was a single-evening introductory session used to recruit participants, and the Breakthrough Training, which is the Momentus training itself. Mashiyach also offers other programs, including the Pilgrimage Program, One Accord for couples, Gideon's Torch Men's weekend, Ministry of Reconciliation and Our Family Business. Trainers include Daniel Tochinni, who is the primary leader of Mashiyach, Derek Watson, Larry Pinci, Lawrence Edwards and others. The organization took on the name The Association for Christian Character Development in 2000.

The articles on this site include a description of parts of the training which are often unknown to potential recruits, reviews of Momentus books and procedures, and responses to the training written by dissatisfied participants. These articles evaluate the training but in no way question the character or motives of any persons associated with Momentus, who reportedly are reputable people. We included this material on Breakthrough initially because of the large number of former followers of The Way International (TWI) who became involved in Momentus. However, several of the articles have been written by people who never were affiliated with TWI, so it's not just ex-followers of TWI who are disturbed by aspects of Momentus. What are the roots and practices of this encounter-group? Is it wise for Christians to be involved?

Breakthrough/ Momentus: Psychological Techniques or Christian Ministry? Outlines concerns about the psychological techniques used in Breakthrough, quotes Breakthrough manuals and forms regarding serious emotional and psychological troubles it may cause in participants, Breakthrough's goal of causing participants to have an experience, its claims that stresses are due to self-examination, not to Breakthrough's methods, and its response to critics.

"Quick Q & A on Breakthrough/ Momentus Trainings" concisely outlines why many people are concerned about Breakthrough, what's wrong with some of its methods, why it is not slander to address the issues involved in this form of Large Group Awareness Training, and answers a few other questions.

Breakthrough/ Momentus requires all participants to sign a "Hold Harmless" release which agrees that participants take on all the risks associated with the training and that they will not hold Breakthrough liable for any "personal, physical, psychological or emotional injuries, distress, or death arising from or in any way related to the TRAINING." (HHR, Paragraph 12)

"The Role it Plays in Bringing People into Bondage" outlines the content of the Hold Harmless Release, Biblical teachings on rash vows which apply to it, experiences of some Breakthrough/Momentus "graduates," the wording of the agreement, and its potential ramifications

"Unethical Aspects of Breakthrough's Hold Harmless Release" asserts that while this release may be legal, aspects of it are unethical, both by commonly accepted standards of justice and by Breakthrough's own standards. It notes that the HHR violates Breakthrough's own principles of mutual promises, responsible living and accounting as described in the book Killing the Victim...

The Myth of The Ten - More than Ten Voices Offer Valid Criticisms of Breakthrough/Momentus. Trainers reject all criticism of the training because they say only grads have a right to criticize it, and only ten have had bad experiences. Actually, much more than ten from many backgrounds have perceptive insights about its nature and .problems.

Fringe Psychology of the 1960s in Breakthrough/ Momentous. Reputable psychologists have rejected fringe psychology such as primal scream, venting and attack therapy, but they live on in the Training. We review these therapies as outlined in the book Crazy Therapies along with recollections of the training by a participant.

The Varied "Fruit" of Breakthrough/ Momentus Many graduates believe that the "fruit" of the training- testimonies of how grads made productive changes in their relationships as a result of the training- proves that it is wholesome. But to fairly consider the "fruit," it is also important to consider other effects people report, such as psychological breakdown, injury, grads' use of encounter techniques (such as forms of "attack therapy") "back home," broken relationships and so forth.

"Problems in Momentus"- summary of the troublesome areas of Momentus, with comparisons to Lifespring/est training.

"Review of a Momentus book, 'Killing the Victim'"

Additional Review of Killing the Victim... Addresses its view of idolatry, the hidden influence of Lifespring Awareness Training in the book, litigation, etc..

"Former Area Sponsor Explains Why She Now Rejects Momentus Training"

"A Momentus Disappointment" a brief description of Momentus training by a former trainee

"My Experience with Momentus" by another former trainee

"Momentus- Enter at Your Own Risk," by former trainee Jean Cofield

Statement DM494 "'Lifespring' for Christians? Momentus and Mashiyach Ministries Attract Followers and Controversy" 08/07/00 by Bob and Gretchen Passantino, first published in the Christian Research Journal

Does the transformation experienced by participants "stick" long after the training is done? "Rollback" in One Large Group Awareness Training reviews the experiences of two women who took trainings sponsored by another Lifespring spinoff.

These articles are presented for informational purposes. While we believe many valid points are made, not all details presented by the authors have been checked for accuracy and authors' views may not reflect those of this website.

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